• Question: do scientist believe in the day of judgement

    Asked by 4 east to Patricia, Kamal, George, Charles, Beatrice on 16 Jan 2017.
    • Photo: George Githinji

      George Githinji answered on 16 Jan 2017:

      No. Most scientists do not believe in the day of judgement partly because there is no proper scientific evidence that such a day exists. This does not mean it does not! But there is no evidence. Science deals with practical understanding of observable physical phenomena within the universe. It makes theory and tests the theory using experiments. When there is new information it updates or rejects the theory.

      Religion does not work like that. Most religions deal with the spiritual things that are difficult to rationalise, experiment and question. Religion does not follow the scientific process in presenting facts or questioning them.

      Believing in religion is a matter of personal choice and there is a good deal of religious scientists and many others that are not.

    • Photo: Kamal Bhattacharya

      Kamal Bhattacharya answered on 16 Jan 2017:

      I’d say depends on your faith. I’m not a christian and in my religion there is no such thing as judgment day. If you’re a Christian scientist you may or may not. Doesn’t matter really. There is no faith in science, only evidence. There is no science in faith, only faith.
