• Question: why can a person know more than six languages

    Asked by aabb266 to Patricia, Kamal, George, Charles, Beatrice on 16 Jan 2017.
    • Photo: Kamal Bhattacharya

      Kamal Bhattacharya answered on 16 Jan 2017:

      I have friends who know 10 languages. There is no limit to how many you can know, it’s just a matter of taking time to learn those.

    • Photo: Patricia Njuguna

      Patricia Njuguna answered on 17 Jan 2017:

      a person’s brain has a large capacity for learning different things. if for example each subject you learn is a different language, you already know more than 6 languages. some of the geniuses we know did not use all their brain capacity, we can learn as much as we want. it just needs time and effort.
